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Jylene Morgan's Books


A little girl named Hailey is supposed to share at school during Circle Time.  She can't find anything. She even says, "Nothing exciting ever happens around here." Just as they are backing the car out of the driveway to go to school, the neighbor comes running down the street, shrieking "There's a MOOSE on Clifford Street"  They drive up and watch as the moose jumps a fence into a garden.  The sound of Sirens floats through the air as the policemen arrive. Now Hailey has something to share at Circle Time


The idea of the story There Was A Moose on Clifford Street started about 25 years ago when my granddaughter Hailey came running into the Kindergarten Center where I was the Principal and said, “Guess What Grandma, There was a Moose on Clifford Street” I told her, “Oh my word that sounds like a story."   After I retired I finally wrote the story.


There was a Moose on Clifford Streets tells about what happens when wild animals stumble into our world. 


This is a little story that is excellent to Read-A-Loud to children.  To help expand the child’s imagination and experience after reading this story is to walk outside. What do you see?   Have you ever seen a moose on your street?  What would you do if there was a moose on your street?   Talking about the book and what they are seeing helps expand understanding and imagination.  


The spring of 1966 my husband Jim (James K. Morgan) and I graduated from Utah State University. Jim accepted a job as a research Biologist with the Idaho Fish and Game Department. His job was to study a small herd of big horn sheep that was declining in numbers. Our family moved to Challis, Idaho a small ranching town located along the Salmon River, close to the study area. The herd spent the winter months a few miles upstream from Challis, Idaho where the Morgan Creek ran into the Salmon River and in the summer months this small herd moved north into the Primitive Area. (In 1984 The United States Congress renamed the area the Frank Church—River of No Return Wilderness Area.)

We rented a large white house on the outskirts of Challis. There was a new elementary school in construction right next to our back yard. This was great because I had just graduated with an elementary teaching certificate from Utah State University. I was hired on as a teacher as soon as I arrived in town.

We had four children. Ten Year old Jay P, eight year old Sheri, six year old Kendon, and five year old Kelly.

Because I was a teacher and had the summers off our family was free to go along with Jim quite often when he was working. We went into the Frank Church—River of No Return Wilderness area and the Morgan Creek Drainage area to camp out and observe the small herd of Big Horn sheep.

Then the spring of 1968 arrived and Bummer came to live with us. That summer was full of great memories, fun times and many trials because of her. This is the first story about our family and our pet. I hope you enjoy reading about our pet Big Horn Sheep, Bummer.

Watch for the next book, “Bummer and the Nanny Goat.” 

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