Harvesting the Garden
The month of November has arrived. It seems like just yesterday, spring was here and the planting of the garden was in full swing. The...

Developing Lifelong Readers.
The end of August is coming fast I really don’t know where the summer has gone. For me since I was in education for many years, with the...

Background Knowledge about the Fourth of July and our Country
Why do we celebrate 4th of July? If you ask your children this question you might hear such things as: go on vacations, swimming, go on a...

Summer is a busy time with lots of physical activity, such as riding bikes, playing and swimming but it is so important to remember to...

Have you heard of having a "Reading Corner" in your home. You might be asking what is a reading corner, it’s a special area designed to...

National Poetry Month-Can You Haiku? I Can
Imagine my surprise when I found out April is designated National Poetry Month. I was surprised because I had already planned to blog...

Who was Dr. Seuss?
I blogged last time about March being the National Read Aloud Month with a challenge to Parents to read 15 minutes a day. I hope that is...

March - National Read Aloud Month -Dr. Seuss Birthday
March 2 was Dr. Seuss's Birthday and the month of March is National Read Aloud Month. What an excellent month to really emphasize...

Busy End of Summer Schedule
I can see the summer just zipping by and I am getting excited about my Summer Events. The last week in July, I will be going to Zion...

DAY Three - Home For Christmas from the book 12 Days of Christmas, Ideas for a Family Christmas Re
Home for Christmas is the third picture book in The 12 Days of Christmas Family Read A Loud program. It is designed to guide you through...