Lucy Calkins – Directs the Literacy Specialist Program
Yesterday when I was thinking about writing my blog. I began to think back over the years of writing and teaching writing. My thoughts went to Lucy Calkins. Lucy & her book “The Art of Teaching Writing” Published in 1997. was instrumental in my learning about teaching writing. I was so excited to learn that she and the people who work with her are still active in the area of teaching children to write creatively. I am excited about continuing my education as I embark on publishing my books.
Lucy is the Robinson Professor of Children’s Literature at Teachers College, Columbia University where she co-directs the Literacy Specialist Program—a masters and doctoral program that brings brilliant teachers and coaches to TCRWP schools everywhere and to the Project itself by Heinemann
TCRWP – The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is a research think tank and staff development organization housed at Teachers College, Columbia