March - National Read Aloud Month -Dr. Seuss Birthday
March 2 was Dr. Seuss's Birthday and the month of March is National Read Aloud Month. What an excellent month to really emphasize Reading Aloud to your Children.
The National Read Aloud site is

This site is full of ideas and helps for READING ALOUD. On this site, there is a 21 Day Challenge to read for 15 minutes a day to your children. I love their slogan: Every child. Every parent. Every day. I encourage you to get on the above site and join the 21 Day Challenge.
Click on (Become a Partner) on the read aloud site, find your State & City on the map to see what organizations are signed up. You can either sign up as a partner or help an organization get the word out to parents about how important it is to read aloud to their children, even after they can read to themselves. More on that topic another day.
I signed up to become a campaign partner as an Author with a Blog. I then looked it up on the National Campaign Pulse Partner list and found that Eagle, Idaho where I live in the Summer and Playa Del Rey, Ca. during the winter have no organizations in their areas. It is important that we all become active in spreading the word about Visit the National Read Aloud Web Site to become more informed and to join the 21 day challenge.
I found a Dr. John S. Hutton who is the “spokes-doctor” for the Read Aloud 15 MINUTES

national campaign. He has information on his Reading & Literacy Discovery Center web site about Reading Aloud to your Children. Let's all get to work and help spread the word across the Nation.
I will end with a little thought from my Presentation: "Why Reading Aloud to your Children is so important.”
....Through your Read Aloud activities your job as a parent is to develop Read Aloud Sessions full of excitement, joy, sadness and knowledge so your children learn to love Books. This love can help build literacy (the ability to read and write fluently) and turn them into lifelong readers.
Notes about me:

Jylene Morgan is a retired educator. She is passionate about the importance of reading aloud to children from top quality children’s books. Writing about her life experiences she captivates her audience by telling the tales of her family’s adventures. The first several books are written about funny exchanges that occur when human and wild animal’s lives come together.
To read more about me, my passion for reading aloud to children and my books go to