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READING ALOUD 15 MINUTES A DAY is one of the most important activities you can do with your babies. I have two baby great grandchildren in my family one is about 6 months old and the other one is just a few weeks old. We can see the physical development that is occurring in both of these babies. What is not quite so evident but just as important is their brain development.

Of course, one of the best to help that brain develop is reading aloud to them. In fact you can even start reading aloud to them while they are still in the womb. There is a cute and very informative chart (see Below.) that explains this. Dr. Hutton Says “BUILD BABY’S BRAIN WITH BOOKS.” This chart shows the brain development from newborn up to 9-12 months that can occur from reading picture books to them through these early years.

Early Read Aloud books make wonderful baby shower gifts, birthday, and Christmas gifts. At Christmas time I give all my great grandchildren a book. I have a lot of great grandchildren, 28 to be exact. I have even got to the point where I have to call their parents to find out if they have the book I have chosen or what is their reading interests. I feel this is worth it because I want to nurture a love of reading within my descendants.

I want to share this video of my great grandson, Caleb who is 2 almost 3. This type of pre-reading can occur from listening over and over to a number of read aloud books.

Data is showing us that there are currently more parents who are reading aloud to their children from birth, but we still have a long way to go to ensure all children reap the benefits, and one way is reading READING ALOUD 15 MINUTES A DAY

Notes about me:

Jylene Morgan is a retired educator. She is passionate about the importance of reading aloud to children from top quality children’s books. Writing about her life experiences she captivates her audience by telling the tales of her family’s adventures. The first several books are written about funny exchanges that occur when human and wild animal’s lives come together.

To read more about me, my passion for reading aloud to children and my books go to Make sure you join our mailing list so you receive Jylene's "Most Treasured Books List". Books by Jylene Morgan are available fully distributed, check out your local book store, Amazon, or


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